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Tropers / AoeAbility

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It all started for me in 2018, when I visited this website for the first time...

How did that occur? Long story short, my older sister introduced me to Markiplier, who then introduced me to Don't Starve, the wiki for which, linked me to This Very Wiki’s page for Ambidextrous Sprite. Since then, I have been lurking here, in awe of how many things I know of are on the wiki, and how many have I not yet discovered. One could say it was my rite of passage as a nerd and a Self-Proclaimed Connoisseur of Things That Used To Be Popular. As thanks, I am proud to admit that This Very Wiki thoroughly ruined my life by introducing me to things no normal person would know.

As of 2021, I am a registered troper, and my activity usually consists of removing messy elements and adding context (and being an Entry Pimp for some of the underrated goodies on this wiki) . Feel absolutely free to give me suggestions, and message me in regards to my editing. I greatly appreciate your help.

I also frequent the Wayback Machine, to see what the wiki was like back in the day, and to help me give abandoned entries a second chance.

You can find me on Tumblr here (for fandom-related nonsense), Instagram here (for my art), and Reddit here (for both).

Please note that this page is still under construction.

Now, let's get into more detail...

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    This Troper provides examples of... 

  • Author Appeal:
    • My (currently unpublished) writing jumps all the way around the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism with gleeful abandon, but tends to be fairly idealistic, usually. We need, after all, some form of break from ou
  • Beige Prose: My writing, when it isn't excessively verbose, tends to be highly concise, even if its clarity is still dubious. Whether I use either of them usually depends on Rule of Funny.
  • Berserk Button:
  • Bile Fascination: Saying a movie is bland is a certain way to deter me from watching it. Saying a movie is awful will at the very least get my attention.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: I am by no means incompetent, but I am a chronic procrastinator, so that tends to balance out my productivity in whatever I happen to be good at.
  • Brutal Honesty: Honesty is virtue, and I uphold it to a level of near-zealotry. That being said, it does result in such a frustrating side effect.
  • Buffy Speak: Usually, I Invoke this for laughs, referring things I can't describe as adjectivial whatever-the-hell.
  • Disco Dan: I'm a huge fan of pre-2015 internet, despite technically being supposed to be closer to 2016 in regards to what people usually consider "nostalgic" my age. Sometimes I still feel the need to reference some ancient trends, with the unfortunate result of nobody getting any of it.
  • Dude, Not Funny!
  • Nerd Glasses: Self-explanatory - I'm a nerd, with glasses. I've even been hypothesizing that there must be some sort of correlation between neurodivergence, geeky interests, and bad eyesight
  • Perfectly Cromulent Word: Would you believe it if I said I genuinely considered using the word "britished" in a conversation?
  • Nostalgia Filter: It depends. In regards to old internet, I am willing to admit that it was a truly vile place to be despite all the sentiment I have towards it. As for my own past, it is harder not to view it more positively than present.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Whenever it is applicable, I vastly support the idea that phrases with an excessively verbose, elaborate, and sophisticated demeanor have a great deal of humorous qualities about themselves.
  • Sophisticated as Hell ...
  • Straw Nihilist: >Implying people can be straw characters in Real Life. In all seriousness, I have seen many label themselves as Anti-Nihilists on This Very Wiki, but despite my attempts at idealism, I still find the thought that nothing might matter more crippling than empowering. Despite this, I don't think this mindset justifies treating anyone badly.
  • Trademark Favorite Food:
    • I have

    About me 
And now, just for fun, Sorting Systems!
     Works I Enjoy 
Note: "*" signifies ironic enjoyment. Things This Very Wiki introduced me to are in bold. Anime and Manga Fan Works Animated Films Live-Action Films Literature Live-Action Television Music TabletopGames Theatre Video Games Web Original Western Animation ...and possibly more that I haven't mentioned yet.

Thoughts on Tropes (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Let's face it - Tropes Are Tools. But just because they aren't inherently good or bad doesn't mean I tend to like some better than others.
    Tropes I Tend to Like 
  • Affably Evil: What can I say, I'm a sucker for nice, charismatic villains.
    • Faux Affably Evil: I am a fan of the more deliciously-malicious types with upbeat personalities.
  • Almost the entire index of Glasses Tropes: I'm a firm believer that glasses are very versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing...
  • Green Aesop: People dismiss it as a dropping ground for anvils, but I believe that this trope CAN be played effectively. In addition, we need it more than ever in the times when we can actually experience the negative effect of global warming around us.
  • Once More, with Clarity: Might be one of the first tropes I've ever fallen in love in my life. For a good reason! Truth is incredibly satisfying, and truth being revealed through a cool montage is even more so!
  • Villain Protagonist: These lads make some of the most interesting main characters in any media, ever. Love seeing them almost every time.
    Tropes I Tend to Dislike 
    Tropes I Have a Special relationship with. 

A curious tale of Ken Ashcorp


    Forum Signature Archive 
  • My character arc is finally complete, and I finally see the other megalovania as the masterpiece that it is.
