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Tropers / Aqua Eclipse

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Hello, I'm Aqua, and I'm a Troper from Hong Kong. I use both they/them and she/her pronouns.

Created/Launched Pages


Fan Works


Web Series

Works I Edit For and/or Enjoy (incomplete)

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Tropes My Works Are Associated With

  • A Day in the Limelight/Lower-Deck Episode/O.C. Stand-in: I sometimes dabble in "sideliner" fanfiction and give background characters their own backstories and plotlines. I also enjoy it if minor characters are given characterization, a distinct personality, stuff like that.
  • Dead Fic: Unfortunately for some of my readers, I might never continue some of my works.
  • Fan Translation: I actually enjoy doing that a lot in my spare time.
  • Old Shame: Many of my older works from before 2019 or so, because most tend to be rather unpolished.
  • Plot Bunny: It keeps happening. But then all of a sudden, the bunny drops dead and I lose all my motivation. This has led to many Dead Fics.
  • Self-Insert Fic: Many of my old works, most of them unpublished, tend to be this. Then again, I was still learning the ropes of writing fanfiction as fanfiction back then. Nowadays, I feel like for many of the characters I write, I give them a hint of myself so I can step into their shoes better.

Tropes I Dislike

  • Ching Chong: Use this as an insult/slur and die by my sword.
  • Cure Your Gays: I will slaughter you. Conversion therapy isn't cool and should be banned worldwide.
  • Heteronormative Crusader: I love you, mom, but I think you should try to stick your head out of your rear end and try to look at the world beyond your religious beliefs.
  • Interchangeable Asian Cultures: As an Asian, I take offense to this trope and take care to defy it as much as possible in my own works and others' if I can help it.
  • Real-Person Fic: I'm in a couple of fandoms where this is a sensitive topic. My tip is to avoid writing fanfiction about real people unless they have given their consent, and even then, keep your fics within their boundaries.
