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Tropers / Braz

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Hello, my name is Braz and I am a contributor in this wiki. I am an Aspie guy who has a problem about focusing in my fanfics due to not being a multitask person, but I still try to finish my stories whenever I can. I tend to focus more in fan works content from this wiki BTW. I'm very rarely active in the Complete Monster Forum Threads.

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Trope related: Remember, Tropes Are Tools, and these folders are only about my personally favorite and despised tropes.

    Favorite Tropes 
  • Action Girl: I like to see girls kicking asses, and the main reason Samus Aran is my favorite character. Dark Action Girl is also my favorite since it mixes Villainess with Badassery.
  • Adaptational Villainy: This can be interesting portrayal if executed well, with me despising poorly-written ones.
  • Anti-Villain: If written well, can be an interesting antagonist who captures the audience with their sympathetic goals.
  • Alternate Universe Fic: Fanfics that reimagine the original universe to explore new ideas and new portrayals can be fun and interesting.
  • Complete Monster: Villains are my favorite part of stories since if the story don't have any form of antagonism, it feels flat and boring, especially the worst and most heinous villain. I despise the false dichotomy of "sympathetic villains good, loathsome villains bad", any type of well-written villain is good writing. Remember folks, CM is not a badge of honor.
  • Cool Big Sis: It is heartwarming seeing an older sister caring for her younger sibling, with Luna Loud being the my favorite from that lackluster called The Loud House.
  • Dark Fic & Darker and Edgier: More stakes and new perspective, especially if done well, making the story not shy away from dark moments and high stakes.
  • Deconstruction: An interesting way to explore the implications from tropes if the writer knows what they are doing.
  • Hard Truth Aesop: Morals that defy common convencions can be a source of wisdom.
  • Magnificent Bastard: The most charming and entertaining type of villain or Anti-Hero, with the audience being captured by their charm and cleverness.
  • Morality Kitchen Sink: I like morally diverse stories since there can be many types of character ranging from a traditional hero, Anti-Hero, traditional villain, Anti-Villain and a Complete Monster.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: You can write relationship between boy and girl without romance involved, especially stories with a boy and a girl in a duo.
  • Take That!: Some examples can be funny, especially the subtle ones.
  • Ultimate Universe: This trope forces the author to use their creativity to reimagine the original universe.

    Despised Tropes 
  • All Abusers Are Male: As an Aspie egalitarian, I have problems with works that paints any male character as potential abusers.
  • Black Comedy Rape: Rape is not funny and trying to play it for laughs comes across as mean-spirited.
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Disgusting type of relationship and anyone who says it is okay has serious problems.
  • Deus & Diabolus ex Machina: Lazy way to defeat an enemy or raising the stakes.
  • Double Standard played straight: Again as an egalitarian, I believe that your genitals don't show how superior or inferior you are, and these things need to die. The rape ones are very tasteless and offensive for victims of rape that isn't "Male on Female".
  • Idiot Ball & Jerkass Ball: Cheap and lazy way of creating a plot and a major problem with episodic cartoons. If the character needs to be more jerkish and/or dumb for no reason in order for the plot to work, this mean the plot don't really work.
  • Love Triangle: Cliched type of dynamic that only creates artificial conflict and drags way too long.
  • Loving Bully: Worst type of Love Interest. I despise the idea that a bully targeting you means they love you, since this raises implications that if your abusive partner treats you like shit, you have to be with them since they "love you".
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: The main cause of a Designated Hero. The actions of the character needs to be defined by their moral standing, not with their relationship with the main character.
  • Purple Prose: This means the fanfic writer is trying too hard to make their wording more substantial, with the "words" detracting from the story.
  • Script Fic: I have disdain for this type of fanfic writing since I found these types lazy and subpar, and even if there's good examples, I won't bother with it.
  • True Art Is Angsty: It's okay for the story to be dark, but the story needs to have meaningful conflict, not be angsty for the sake of angst.
