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Tropers / Coachpill

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Admit it, this is what you were thinking when you saw my name.note 

Helloooo, I'm Coachpill. You might remember me from such pages as "X Meets Y, One Step Above the Gravitational CIELChuv (L, C, h)", or "Beep a Gunk a Chucha Honk Konk Konk Kadanta Each Ya Puna Ney Cha Bap Pa Lula Ni Chao Pao Pati Cha Ni Saong Kong, Starring No One in Particular". I'm here to tell you all about how annoying I am and how much I dream about this site (not that it also doesn't keep me up at night). I go on here for the surprises and stay for the chumminess, though I can say the same about a lot of things—but TV Tropes is philosophical enough for me to bookmark it! Hooray! And it's helped me get more organized, like family. (I tried to wince at that, but my euchre cards are all aces and we've got a scared player suspended from the ceiling whose careful skimming of this page is the one thing he's been able to focus on, so I second his emotions).

He/him, Ashkenazi (or Ashki for short) Jewish,note  18 y/o, has ADD/major OCD and is The Snark Knight both in real life and on the Internet. I desperately want a pet pig, though thankfully I'm going to live alone next year (if I can't get an actual house, I'll settle for a rental, so we'll see about how the owner feels about pet pigs). Even before I was out of high school my head was at the moment where I pulsate on innovating some material (scientific or otherwise) so I might make my own website and add a forum to that. At that point I'll have at least a dozen forums, so no prunes and prisms for me there, possibly in the literal sense (AP Lang and all its Purple Prose that I'll slowly incorporate into the thrasonical bedlam of my ultimate perfectionism being so close, yet so far away, still haunts me to this day and how I can wrap my mind around that, but not my college counselor being one of the most wonderful people I've ever met, is beyond me. I bet he'd like this site. I promise I'm not vicariously living through him to the point of coming really close to echoing very private conversations). My forums suffer (or rather, are going to suffer) from the Seven Deadly Sins, but Wrath tends to be my mainstay: I've gone back and forth on how each forum sends shards flying in my direction when I realize they can be stolen and photocopied, passed off as someone else's work. Trust me, if That Liar Lies, That Liar Lies. Why they would they change it, I can't say. Maybe people just like it better that way and I can't help myself, though I have helped myself here with requests. South Park paraphenilia and the show itself is one of probably forty of my favorite pieces of media/people to analyze. Paraphenilia alone definitely makes the dream work.

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    Self-demonstrating character pages I'm working on 

    Characters I see in myself 

    Primary inspirations (no particular order) 

    Best vocal impressions of people I can do (relatively speaking) 

    Favorite comedians 
