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Administrivia / Frequent Redlinks

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Here is a list of some common causes of redlinks and how to fix them.

  1. Misspellings
    Example: Anti Villian instead of Anti-Villain
    How to fix: Correct the misspelling.
  2. Plural trope names
    Example: Complete Monsters
    How to fix: Put the trope within two curly braces with the plural letter(s) outside the braces.
    {{Complete Monster}}s becomes Complete Monsters
  3. Mixed case names
    Examples: Mc Leod, De Witt
    How to Fix: Put name inside [= =]
    [=McLeod=] becomes McLeod
  4. Abbreviations / Acronyms / Initialisms and other mixtures of letters and numbers
    Examples: A K47s, DV Ds, UF Os
    How to fix: Put the desired text in between [= =]
    [=AK47s=] becomes AK47s
    If the full name of the abbreviation has a page, use this formatting: [[NameOfTrope Abbreviation]]
  5. Works we don't have pages for yet.
    Redlinks for work pages should not be removed. If you are familiar with the work, feel free to launch the page.
  6. Members of the Permanent Red Link Club. (See page for further details.)
    How to fix: Get rid of them. If it's a pothole, just take it out. If it's a wikiword, rewrite the sentence (or paragraph, if necessary) to not use the phrase.

The following are particularly common redlinks. If you have the time or are bored, you can help out by fixing them.note  The links will lead to a list of pages that have the redlinks. Ideally, they should be empty save for this page and other Administrivia pages. If you clean up all the wicks, please write a note beside the link of the clean up date. For consistency, please use MM/DD/YY for the date.

A 2016 update to TV Tropes made certain letter/number mixtures count as wikiwords when they did not previously do so. Please add them to the list if they are redlinks and not already included.

Common Redlinks

1. Misspellings

2. Plural Trope Names

  • Complete Monsters (Should be marked up as {{Complete Monster}}s) - last cleaned up 07/02/19
  • DLCs (Should be marked up as {{DLC}}s) - last cleaned up 03/16/23, one locked page
  • EMPs (Should be marked up as {{EMP}}s) - last cleaned up 03/10/23

3. CamelCase last names
Should be put between [= =] tags:

  • DeLorean - last cleaned up 03/12/23
  • DeWitt - last cleaned up 04/19/22
  • LaCroix (could refer to the troper La Croix) last cleaned up 03/12/23
  • LeChuck (could refer to Captain LeChuck) - last cleaned up 03/16/23
  • MacArthur note  - last cleaned up 04/19/22; one locked page
  • MacDonald - last cleaned up 03/16/23
  • MacGrath - last cleaned up 09/20/21
  • McAllister - last cleaned up 03/16/23
  • McBride - last cleaned up 03/16/23
  • McCain - last cleaned up 01/17/22; three locked pages
  • McCall - last cleaned up 05/05/22
  • McCallum - last cleaned up 04/19/22
  • McCarthy - last cleaned up 09/15/22
  • McCay (could refer to Winsor McCay) - last cleaned up 04/19/22
  • McClane (Usually in reference to John McClane from the Die Hard films) - last cleaned up 1/17/22; one locked page
  • McCoy note  - last cleaned up 11/13/21; two locked pages
  • McCormick - last cleaned up 04/19/22
  • McCullough - last cleaned up 04/19/22
  • McDonald (for the fast food chain, use UsefulNotes/McDonalds) - last cleaned up 07/03/19
  • McGann (usually the actor Paul McGann) - last cleaned up 09/19/21
  • McGee - last cleaned up 11/13/21
  • McGinnis - last cleaned up 09/17/22
  • McGonagall - last cleaned up 11/13/21; three ghostwicks
    • McGonagal - last cleaned up 09/20/21; misspelling of the above
  • McGrath - last cleaned up 11/01/22
  • McGraw - last cleaned up 11/01/22
  • McGuire - last cleaned up 11/01/22
  • McIntyre - last cleaned up 11/13/21
  • McKay - last cleaned up 11/13/21
  • McKinley (for the U.S. president, use UsefulNotes/WilliamMcKinley) - last cleaned up 11/13/21
  • McLaren - last cleaned up 11/13/21
  • McLean (possibly Don McLean) - last cleaned up 11/13/21
  • McMahon (if you're referring to the WWE promoter, use Wrestling/VinceMcMahon) - last cleaned up 11/13/21

3b. Other CamelCase
Should be put between [= =] tags or expanded dependent on context:

  • GameCube (UsefulNotes/NintendoGameCube) - last cleaned up 11/28/21; one locked page
  • PlayStation (UsefulNotes/ or the appropriate successor console) - last cleaned up 11/28/21
  • SpongeBob (WesternAnimation/SpongeBobSquarePants) - last cleaned up 09/17/22
  • SpotPass / StreetPass (usually [= =], but can be potholed to Nintendo 3DS) - both last cleaned up 06/24/21
  • WandaVision (Series/) - last cleaned up 9/20/21
  • YouTube (Website/) - last cleaned up on an unknown date, four locked pages

4. Abbreviations and Mixtures of letters and numbers
Should be put between [= =] tags:

  • AK47 / AK47s - last cleaned up 07/10/19
  • ATs - last cleaned up 07/10/19, one locked page
  • CDs - last cleaned up 09/23/21, three ghostwicks
  • CEOs - last cleaned up 09/21/21, one locked page
  • CSIs - referring to the Crime Scene Investigators on CSI - last cleaned up 04/17/2023, one ghostwick
  • DVDs - last cleaned up 07/10/19, one ghostwick
  • DVRs - last cleaned up 09/23/21
  • HL3 - often referring to the as-yet-unconfirmed Half-Life 3, last cleaned up 07/10/19
  • IDs - last cleaned up 11/03/20, one ghostwick
  • IEDs - last cleaned up 09/23/21
  • InGen - a company name from the Jurassic Park films, last cleaned up 09/23/21
  • IPs - last cleaned up 12/07/21, one ghostwick
  • ISPs - last cleaned up 03/19/21
  • KOs - last cleaned up 12/07/21, one locked page
  • MI5
  • MI6
  • MP3 - last cleaned up 01/17/22, one locked page
  • MP5 / MP5s - last cleaned up 07/11/19, one ghostwick
  • PCs - last cleaned up 06/10/22
  • PhD - last cleaned up 12/07/21, one ghostwick
  • PhDs - last cleaned up 03/16/23
  • Pon3 - part of the name of a recurring background character in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, last cleaned up 03/16/23
  • PoW / PoWs - last cleaned up 07/13/19
  • PSOne - can alternately be linked to PlayStation, last cleaned up 09/20/21; one locked page
  • SSJ1 / SSJ2 / SSJ3 / SSJ4 - fan abbreviation for "Super Saiyan-Jin [number]", the term for progressive levels of heroic or villainous superpower in Dragon Ball Z, frequently used in online debates and discussions, last cleaned up 07/15/19
  • SUVs - last cleaned up 03/16/23
  • TARDISes - the plural word for Gallifreyan time vessels in Doctor Who, conventionally written as shown in mixed case; last cleaned up 05/16/22
  • TiVO - last cleaned up 03/19/21
  • TVs - last cleaned up 07/15/19, one ghostwick
  • UFOs - last cleaned up 07/15/19, one ghostwick and one locked page
  • UnSub / UnSubs - used frequently on Criminal Minds, last cleaned up 07/15/19
  • VCRs - last cleaned up 09/19/21
  • VIPs - last cleaned up 01/22/22
  • Zer0 - the name of a character from the Borderlands series, last cleaned up 09/19/21

Should be expanded:


  • AMVs (An abbreviation; if it is referring to Anime Music Videos, set it as Fan Vid; otherwise, it should be put between [= =] tags) - last cleaned up 07/15/19
  • CoS/COs (Depending on capitalization, it should be Commanding Officers or Chamber of Secrets and should either be put between [= =] tags or expanded respectively) - last cleaned up 09/23/21
  • DMs (An abbreviation and a plural "trope" name for the Dungeon Master redirect; should be either expanded into {{Game Master}}s or {{Dungeon Master}}s or set as a plural abbreviation put between [= =] depending on which flows better in context) - last cleaned up 07/15/19
  • FPSes / FPSs (An abbreviation and a plural "trope" name; should be either changed to one of its expanded forms or set as a plural abbreviation put between [= =] depending on which flows better in context) - last cleaned up 07/15/19, one locked page
  • GMs (An abbreviation and a plural "trope" name; should be either expanded into {{Game Master}}s or set as a plural abbreviation put between [= =] depending on which flows better in context) - last cleaned up 07/15/19
  • MMORPGs / MMOs (An abbreviation and a plural "trope" name; should be either changed to one of its expanded forms or set as a plural abbreviation put between [= =] depending on which flows better in context) - last cleaned up 07/15/19
  • MOBAs (An abbreviation and a plural "trope" name; should be either changed to one of its expanded forms or set as a plural abbreviation put between [= =] depending on which flows better in context) - last cleaned up 09/23/21
  • NPCs (An abbreviation and a plural "trope" name; should be either expanded into {{Non Player Character}}s or set as a plural abbreviation put between [= =] depending on which flows better in context) - - last cleaned up 07/16/19, 7 ghostwicks
  • RPGs (Depending on the context; it should be {{Role Playing Game}}s, except when referring to Rocket-propelled grenades where it should be put between [= =] tags) - last cleaned up 09/21/21; five locked pages
  • RTSes / RTSs (An abbreviation and a plural "trope" name; should be either changed to one of its expanded forms or set as a plural abbreviation put between [= =] depending on which flows better in context) - last cleaned up 07/16/19
  • WW1 (Should be World War I or put between [= =])
  • WW2 (Should be World War II or put between [= =])
  • WMDs (An abbreviation; should be either changed to one of its expanded forms or set as a plural abbreviation put between [= =] depending on which flows better in context) - last cleaned up 09/21/21

5. Works we don't have pages for yet
These shouldn't be fixed, because the work page can theoretically be created in the future.

6. Members of the Permanent Redlink Club
See that page for the list. "Last cleaned" information is in comment code on that page.
